Book of Raziel The Angel
excerpt from {The Secrets of The Universe in 100 Symbols} by Sarah Bartlett
(Kayowe Mune’s first Tattoo, Symbols on Scorpio Sun, Pluto, Mercury, and Water)
"Legends surrounding the Book of Raziel The Angel recount how it was originally a work of secrets of all knowledge revealed to Adam by the angel Raziel. The Archangel Raziel stood close by God's throne and therefore heard and wrote down everything that was spoken. Raziel purportedly gave the book to Adam, after Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, so he could better understand God.
... According to some sources, the book was eventually passed to Enoch, who later became the angel Metratron - guardian of celestial treasures- and who may have incorporated his own writings into the work."
{The Secrets of The Universe in 100 Symbols} by Sarah Bartlett